
Retreat Options

  • In-town retreats @ Workshop or other in-town sites

    Workshop hosts off-site team and group retreats here at our sunny and welcoming space in West Homewood. We can assist you with planning a great agenda, adding great activities & training, as well as handling all of the hosting needs.

    We can also consult for planning at other locations around town.

  • Lake Retreat @ Lake Martin, AL

    Workshop can host your group of up to 12 guests at our beautiful lake home at Lake Martin (Windermere neighborhood). Great for teams and special groups who want to enjoy our mix of restful time, creative options, space for meeting and planning, and room to enjoy nature.

  • Retreat Planning for other fab locales

    When you have a special theme or location in mind, Workshop can assist you with scouting appropriate locations for your group needs, coordinating with the location and planning a fantastic agenda and activities.